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Together we make King's Day plastic-free


Return cups, plastic-free terraces and plastic-free stalls. Together we keep King's Day plastic-free. From partygoers to festival organisers. Everyone can participate and prevent plastic waste.

Plastic is harmful to nature, animals and human health. A city without plastic, that's what Rotterdam is on its way to. A major event such as King's Day is the time to use as little single-use plastic drink and food packaging as possible. To achieve this, the municipality of Rotterdam works together with festival organizers, entrepreneurs, volunteers, associations and residents.

The large (closed) festivals during King's Day work with returnable cups. Tens of thousands of revelers attend these festivals. With a coin they get a cup that they return when they leave. Those cups are recycled into… festival cups.

This is how the return cup system works

The system is simple. Every visitor receives a recycling coin. Will you buy your first drink? Then you hand in the coin for a cup. Bring your cup back with you for your next order. Don't have an empty cup or recycling coin? Then you pay half a coin extra for your consumption.

The participating festivals are:

  • The Kralingsebos Festival
  • Kingsland Festival
  • Oranjebitter Festival
  • Container bar North
  • Crown jewel
  • The King's concert on the Binnenrotte.

Plastic-free terraces and stalls

Terraces are also plastic-free as much as possible: no straws, honey sticks or cookie packaging. Would you like to grab a terrace on King's Day? You can recognize the plastic-free terraces by the special plastic-free terrace posters. Or visit
Rotterdammers who have applied for a permit for a stall have received tips on how to keep their stall plastic-free.

Plastic-free terraces are not new. Around the Rotte, 7 catering establishments have already stopped
The use of disposable plastic.

Nine golden tips

For partygoers and sniffers: this is how you help with plastic-free King's Day:

  1. Going out in the city? Bring a refillable cup or water bottle. There are many free water taps in Rotterdam. Look at: Watertappunten |
  2. Buy stuff? Bring your shopping bag. Of course, consuming less is even better!
  3. Have a drink on one of the plastic-free terraces.
  4. Visit one of the festivals that work with a return cup system (see overview above)
  5. Did you receive a package somewhere during King's Day? Then throw it in the trash. This way you prevent it from ending up on the street.

For vendors on rugs and in stalls:

  1. Do you sell things on a rug or in a stall? Do not package them, give them to the buyers loose.
  2. Do you sell homemade snacks or drinks? Do so packaging-free or think of edible packaging. Avoid plastic spoons, forks, stirrers, cups and bottles.
  3. Stand out with your dress or stand? Make something creative yourself from old clothes or paper. Do not use balloons or other disposable plastic items.
  4. Leftovers at the end of the day? Don't leave them. Take them to a thrift store, recycling center or take them home and throw your waste in the trash. Don't leave anything on the street.

City without waste

Rotterdam is on its way to a society without waste. And therefore also without plastic. The amount of plastic litter is a growing environmental problem worldwide. Plastic is harmful to nature, animals and human health. Together we must significantly reduce the amount of plastic (particles) in the environment.

Clean up yourself

Do you like to roll up your sleeves? Then help keep the city clean. This can be done through various volunteer organizations. Look for it at or  

Just on your own? Request materials via

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