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Hip! Hip! Hurray!



The city council is happy with the King’s decision for Rotterdam. Mayor Aboutaleb: “The ties between the Royal Family and Rotterdam are historically strong. The city could always count on their warm interest, in good and bad times. So Rotterdam will proudly be the royal city of The Netherlands next year, on April 27th. Everyone’s invited!"

King Willem-Alexander celebrates his birthday in Rotterdam next year, together with his family. The traditional King’s Day will take place on Thursday, April 27 next year. In 2023 the King is also celebrating his 10-years of reign. Rotterdam will organize King’s Day in cooperation with citizens and partners.

Vice Mayor of Culture Said Kasmi is also pleased with the news. “The King’s choice to celebrate his 10 years of reign in 010 is of great symbolic value. Together with the city, we will organize a great party for the Royal Family, the Rotterdam citizens and everyone who wants to celebrate this day with us. Something to look forward to!"

King’s Day in Rotterdam is work in progress, together with citizens and partners in the city. Check for the latest news.

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